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ModelFactory Community Guidelines

We know that people of all ages and stages use ModelFactory, including some of our own family and friends! So the crew at ModelFactory works hard to make sure that ModelFactory is a safe and enjoyable website for everyone.

Our Community Guidelines will help you understand what's expected on ModelFactory, and what should be reported to us.


At ModelFactory, we're assured to...

  • Working hard to find great opportunities for talent.
  • Educating talent about how the industry works – including what to expect in auditions, how to create a great profile to get noticed and how to stay safe online.
  • Working closely with Casting Professionals to make ModelFactory the best place to discover talent from all over the world.
  • Asking questions before we place casting calls, so we can give talent as much information about projects as we can.
  • Monitoring every listing, message and photo to check it's safe and appropriate for ModelFactory. 
  • Listening to our talent and Casting Professionals – let us know if you have seen something that worries you, and we'll take you seriously.