What Is The Best Age To Start A Modeling Career? | Modelfactory
- 10 Mar 2022
- Models
The general consensus is that there is no such thing as "too young" to start modeling. However, the ideal age for both male and female fashion modeling is sixteen. This is because the model is considered a young adult at this stage. The onset of puberty is also viewed favorably as modeling career may take some time to gain momentum. Furthermore, the modeling industry favors education and feels that under sixteen years of age is too young to balance modeling and school.
Girls vs Boys
There is no real difference between the genders when it comes to the best age to start modeling. For both male and female models, sixteen is considered the ideal age. That being said, female models can be more popular than their male counterparts at a younger age. This is because male models tend to get better with age, and have more success in their thirties and even forties.
When is IT Too Late?
Although the late thirties are probably too late when it comes to the age of models in some types of modeling, it is understood that the late thirties are probably too late to begin a fashion modeling career.
Models Who Successfully Broke The Rules
Drake Burnett is an American model who was signed at the age of 25. She has walked for Celine and has had major modeling deals internationally with brands Topshop, Missoni and Rag & Bone.
2. Katie Nesher is a Russian model who was discovered and signed at the age of 27. She made 63 shows in her short career, modeling for the likes of Louis Vuitton and Yves Saint Laurent.
3. Aymeline Valade is a French model who was signed at the age of 26. She was contacted several times when she was young, but she prioritized her studies. Despite her late entry into the modeling world, she walked for Chanel, Chloe, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci in her first fashion week.
Consider Business Modeling
Different types of modeling can determine how important a model's age will be. Commercial modeling is the promotion, display or advertisement of commercial products (often clothing). Professional modeling requires models of all ages, from child modeling to mature modeling.
Is There Such a Thing As Too Young?
Child models range from a few weeks old to fourteen years of age, so there is no "too young" limit on modeling. The best age to start fashion modeling is as early as possible! You can start as a child model and progress through to fashion modelling. Any experience you have in front of the camera will be viewed favorably before you are signed on to an agency.
The Long And Short of It
Height is important and highly regarded in the modeling industry, but there is one prerequisite for certain types of modeling: the catwalk. A teenage model has not finished developing normally and height can be difficult to determine by age sixteen. If the model is already tall for their age, that's a good indicator that they will be tall enough to be modeling a catwalk. There are many other types of modeling available for small models, which you can read about in our article.
Keeping Things Age Appropriate
Being under the age of 18 in the modeling industry means that certain laws apply. A parent must be present at every photo shoot booked by persons under the age of 18. With hair modeling it is important to keep things age appropriate, namely makeup and outfits. Child models are also not legally allowed to work more than 10 hours a day.
How Does Australia Compare To The Rest Of The World?
The age requirements don't really differ internationally from Australia. The only real difference for different markets is height and body type. For example, Asian modeling agencies tend to have lower height and lower body size requirements than Australian modeling agencies. As a general rule, the modeling industry will be looking for fresh faces, unique beauty, nationally and internationally!
it's Never Too Late To Start
Age isn't everything in the modeling industry - recent years have seen an increase in mature age modeling. It has become such a popular place that modeling agencies that only sign mature age models now exist all over the world. Australia's Silver Fox MGMT Group represents both male and female commercial and fashion models over the age of 30.
"Aspiring Models Click Here for More Information on the Modeling Profession."