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How Much Should A Model Charge For A Photoshoot In India?

If you are reading this, you are already a good businessman as you are looking to deduct the cost of production involved in a modeling photoshoot. Modeling photoshoots are used all over the world to showcase a fashion product/service. On ecommerce marketplaces like Amazon and Flipkart, it is a major element in the product catalogs of saree sellers.

A photoshoot is as important as it gets! But don't worry, you've come to the right place! We have listed the actual cost and alternative ways to do the photoshoot, which will cut the cost in half. Read on to find out more.

The cost of modeling a photoshoot mainly includes the following two costs depending on the requirements of the client:

1. Photography and Setup Cost

Depending on the market conditions, the average cost of a professional photographer is Rs. 8000/day. Thereafter, the cost of a professional editor would be around Rs. 800-1000/day for editing photoshoot. Additionally, the cost of normal production setup adds another Rs. 400-500. Thereafter, a single crew member will take Rs. 200-300/day. An additional cost may also add to logistics which includes courier and transportation.

2. Model and Stylist Costs

The cost of a professional model depends on the nationality and popularity of the model and its relevance with the product marketing campaign. The average cost of arranging a model for a photoshoot is Rs. 8000/day. In addition, you may also be required to pay a commission to a modeling agency, if applicable.

Additionally, a stylist for fashion and makeup costs Rs. 3000/day each. So the total cost for the stylist is up to Rs. 6000/day.

"Aspiring Models Click Here for More Information on the Modeling Profession."

Category : Models