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5 Habits Actors Need to Get Cast

Working in the entertainment industry can be tough. REALLY TOUGH.

Do you wonder if you’re on the right track? Does it feel like other people land roles, but not you?

Here at ModelFactory, we’re lucky enough to see lots of talented members land auditions and jobs and we’ve noticed one thing they all have in common: They apply for jobs. A lot of jobs.
 ModelFactory members who apply for the most jobs, secure the most jobs. Simple as that.

Here’s 5 habits our most successful members have, that you can copy right now:


  1. APPLY. Be super pro-active. Apply for jobs regularly and keep going – it’s normal not to be cast in every job you apply for.
  2. CHECK YOUR MATCHING JOBS. Apply for jobs that suit you – don’t go applying for that role as the grandma if you’re 16 years old. Check your matching jobs and apply for what suits you.
  3. HAVE A HEADSHOT. A good clear snapshot to get you started is fine and much better than nothing. Check out our advice on great headshots here.
  4. GIVE GREAT INTROS. Nail that application message – keep it short and if you’re perfect for the role, tell them why: ‘Hi, I’m Monika, and I own a horse and own 2 dogs, so I think I’d be perfect for the commercial where you need someone great with animals’.

    CHECK YOUR MESSAGES. Reply to messages straight away – don’t miss out if a Casting Professional is trying to reach you – check your messages!


To make these habits your own, set yourself the challenge to apply to 5 castings a month and watch what happens.


Get going now and start applying!